Saturday, November 19, 2011


Our cats are named Connor Ellis and Tulane (or Tully) Benedict. I call them ConCon and Baby Kitty.

I imagine when I leave the house, it goes like this:

Connor: ConCon? Seriously, ConCon? What kind of name is that?

Tully: Excuse me, but you've got nothing. Baby Kitty? Baby Kitty? I'm like nine years old. I won't even tell you what that is in cat years. I win.

My mother use to say that at the stroke of midnight on Christmas morning, all the animals could talk just for a minute. Thanks goodness I am too old to stay up that late anymore.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Spin bunnies

In spin class, it is quite obvious who is a year-round spinner and who also rides outdoors from their spinning style.

The spinners are bouncing up and down, shifting side to side and never still on their bikes. While it looks fun and probably burns a few more calories, if they ever hit the road they could be on the ground in about a second.

The bicyclers, on the other hand, are much less inclined to pop up and down and only occasionally shift from side to side a bit. Also, they often wear jerseys instead of cute little tanks. Because lots of pockets are necessary to hold the little locker key.

Then there's me. Completely in-line with the bike, absolutely stable, at most times absolutely nothing moving but the legs. If anyone was noticing, it would be so obvious. My spin style screams Tandem Stoker.