Monday, August 29, 2005

Starting out

This all started about 2 years ago this month. A friend talked me into going to Seattle to do the Danskin Triathlon. I had originally missed registration and didn't bother to train all summer, but in July they opened more spots. Yep, I decided to go do a sprint distance tri with no training. As you can imagine, I was slow and in pain, yet hooked.

Back at home, a brochure arrived in the mail from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training (TNT) program. Since my Uncle had lymphoma, I had been thinking I needed to do some good with my spare time and I certainly needed someone to show me how to actually train for an event - it all sort of fell into place. Not to be too sappy, but this ended up being sort of life changing. I'm over 30 lbs. lighter (and still losing), in better shape than I have been in a long time and my soul is now much more at peace. Plus, I've raised over $7,500 toward curing blood cancers.

I am now training for my third TNT event, mentoring a group training for the Disney Tri in Sept. and strangely desiring to share it with the world in general. This will be the story of my training, among other things. Enjoy...