Tuesday, May 04, 2010

I am officially scared of my yard

Here's the short story.

1. We have a lot of landscaping that needs to be done. We are overrun by invasive species and need to fight back.

2. We get a load of wood chips in the work dump truck. It is around 1pm.

3. We decide to dump them in the back in the one spot we had cleared of buckthorns. You know, to smother the baby ones.

4. Apparently my yard is not made of dirt, but instead it is pudding.

5. Dump. Drive. Spin. Sink.

6. We assess (Note the double s at the end. It is very important to include both. Unlike on the status report that used to get sent to a client who is not longer a client.) the situation. This thing is kind of stuck. OK, really stuck.

(There is this sub plan that happened about this time where we drove backwards, but it is not really worth discussing aside to say it turned out to be a bad plan and resulted in further stuck-ness!)

7. We decide to go get more equipment. Bobcat, here we come.

8. Mark tows the Bobcat. I go to Starbucks for motivation.

9. I return. The Bobcat is also - take a guess - yep, stuck.

10. Apparently you can use the arm/bucket thing to prop up one side of the Bobcat off the wheels and drive with the wheels on the other side. You have to see it to really understand it, but somehow that thing praying-mantised its way out of the pudding and back onto safe ground.

11. The chains came out and the dump truck was hooked on. Pull, yank, tug, dump truck moves like an inch.

12. We decide that there are too many wood chips stuck under the dump truck from the fail of the backwards plan. We get shovels and sort of dig under the truck to get out the wood chips. Also we dig out the wheels which are halfway sunk into the pudding.

13. I stand up. There is a big mirror that sticks out from the truck, you know, to see in back of the dump. It is hard. I sit back down quickly.

14. There is this weird noise and Mark says MOVE as he runs to the Bobcat. Apparently it was not secured right and was considering rolling down and crushing me while I sat on the ground and pouted about my bumped head. Decided to stop pouting.

15. There is much more pulling and digging until someone (no names mentioned, but she is a smart someone) thinks that the left over plywood hanging by the gazebo could be cut down to wedge under the tires just right to make ramps under the tires to get out of the pudding.

16. Mark notices that it is nearly 6pm and says we have to stop at 6 and get ready to go out to dinner. The smart someone says to just go cut the boards and it will be perfect.

17. The smart someone is really hoping she is right.

18. Boards wedged, Mark in the Bobcat to pull, me in the dump truck to drive.

19. You should have seen the grin on my face as I drove that dump truck safely up onto the driveway.

20. D and J cooked us fabulous steaks. And J let me watch three episodes of Project Runway. Fabulous day!

Gosh, I bet you really wish I had pictures.

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