So yesterday, M says," Are we riding the tandem on Hines tomorrow?" I temporarily lose touch with reality and reply, "Sure."
M calls Daniel and they agree to meet at the bike shop at 9 a.m. Somehow, I imagine they are agreeing that it is cold out and that it is not a good idea to ride.
I set my alarm for 7:30. I immediately turn it off. I assume M didn't notice and...nope too late. He is up and perky and all ready to ride. I try to use the "this cat is sitting on me and I can't get out from under him" excuse, but it doesn't fly. Crap!
I will spare you my stalling and inability to find my winter riding stuff. Two winters ago, we rode every weekend that the roads were safe. Less last winter due to weather - the tandem is on skinny tires and does not play nice in snow. This year, well, the rack was still on the back from our Livestrong ride in Austin last October. Suffice to say, we made it there 15 minutes late and D was, full face helmet and goggles, all ready to go.
Eighteen miles later, I was very glad we went. I'd do it again in a second. There really is nothing like road riding in the winter, provided you are dressed well. Aside from the occasional runner, we were the only brave warriors, battling the elements (well, one element - wind - but it was pure evil) until the end when another group of bikers went by on the other side, merrily waving. See, I am not the only crazy one!
Training for Seattle to Portland has officially begun:
Sat 2/6: Fabulous indoor trainer ride at the more reasonable hour of 8 a.m.
Weds 2/10: Snow Day! Spin at Beverly Hills Club. I usually have class, but what fun to have a snow day on spin day.
Sat 2/13: Spin at Continental - 7 a.m. It wasn't pretty, but I somehow managed to arrive and make my legs go around. Pretty much ignored coach Steve and just cruised, waiting for see if I would wake up anytime soon. Let's call it a recovery ride and leave it at that. I just don't do mornings!
This weekend has been full of fundraising, but got to wait until tonight for the total...
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