Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow Day

Yesterday: Gorgeous day. In the 30s, dry roads, hardly any wind. Perfect for a 20 mile ride on Hines.

Today: I just stuck a ruler in the snow in a spot on the driveway where there was no snow yesterday. I measure 6.5" and it is still coming. Big, fluffy, gorgeous flakes. And I don't go to the office on Mondays, so how does one spend the day?

5 am: M says, "Hey, there is some snow out there." I say, "I'm sleeping..." and a cat curls up next to me.

8:30 am: I say, "Hey, there is some snow out there," and a cat yowls at me to be fed.

8:45 am: Check phone - no text saying school is closed. But class is not until tonight, so there is time.

9 am: Call mom to make sure she still wants me to come over and paint since she has a snow day. She says sure. Decide to quickly pop some soup in the slow cooker before leaving.

10:15 am: While chopping soup items, call mom back to say there are giant flakes still coming so might be better to stay home. She agrees. Decide to clean the house.

11:15 am: Well, since I am finished with the important tasks of checking email and updating Facebook while fending off cats who want to rub their heads against the laptop (what is the appeal?), I may as well head to Starbucks to fortify myself for the cleaning ahead.

11:45: Mocha obtained. Roads really don't seem too bad.

Noon: Call M. Goes like this.

Me: Guess where I am?
M: Your mom's?
Me: No
M: The hospital?
Me: No (???)
Me again: I am where the chipmunks live. (This cute little spot under a bending tree near the edge of the driveway)
M: What are you doing there?
Me: Well, June (my car) is there too and she is sideways.
M: What? Don't mess up the ivy!

I decide that it is not the best time for a botany lesson, but I assure you, I was not messing up any ivy since there is only myrtle under that tree. And that stuff is not going to be bothered by a little Mazda3 parked in the middle of it.

1 pm: Having successfully scrubbed the sink, stove and broiler, I decide to celebrate with a burger and some baked sweet potato fries.

1:30 pm: Guess what - the smoke alarms still work...

2 pm: I was thinking of shredding some old papers, but I am a little scared to try to work the shredder. Considering my track record so far today...

Training Report
Not much training at all last week. Lots of school due to make up for previous snow day. But a lovely 20 mile ride on the tandem yesterday. So very, very lovely. You all should have been there!

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