I bet you are wondering what happened to my perky morning self. I am apparently very good at getting out of bed at 7 and making it to work on time. Which is better than getting out of bed at 7:15 and being late. Baby steps...
So for now I will take this blog back to its roots and discuss fitness. For the past year there has pretty much been none, zilch, zero, nada. I believe I have mentioned this before, but going to school plus working kind of cuts into other plans. I know, amazing people can do it all. But they probably don't love to cook dinner from scratch or have clean houses. Priorities. (This is not to imply that I have a clean house by any means. But I did eat lots of fabulous dinners.)
So now that I am taking back my evenings, I was ready to jump right into my workouts schedule. Or rather, sort of sidle up to it, glancing furtively to avoid eye contact. Here is how it went.
Sunday, I went to the gym and rode the stationary bike a bit, plus did some upper body and core. Monday, I went to the gym and rode the stationary bike some more. You will note that I am sort of just playing around on the bike. Which is nice. I am catching up on my reading. Tuesday, I had to do all my Christmas shopping so you know how that goes. Thus we get to today.
Today, I left work and, right before I hit the on ramp, I heard that the freeway was particularly backed up. I cut out of the developing line and realized that my new route was taking me right by the gym. I was not originally planning to go to the gym, but I figured that it must be a sign. After all, my gym bag was in the car, all ready with the (oops) clothes that I had worn to the gym the previous two times. Whatever. I went on in and did my 20 minutes on the bike, enjoying my book tremendously and particularly appreciating that my iPod, which is in the fritz, decided to work.
Maybe it was the iPod or maybe I am just crazy, but when I hopped off the bike, I somehow ended up on the treadmill. And started running. This treadmill is planted right in front of the mirror. (Why do they do this?) Today I enjoyed it in particular because:
1. I didn't remember to grab a hair band so mine was all hanging and immediately got insanely frizzy and sweaty.
2. I am so pale that I turn bright red when I run. BRIGHT SPLOTCHY RED.
3. I was wearing a sports bra that is more suited to biking and not that supportive. I do not enjoy watching my boobs flop all over while running.
4. I noticed for the first time that my cheeks actually jiggle when I run. The ones on my face. My bright red, sweaty ones. Though I assume my other cheeks were also doing their fair share of jiggling - luckily the treadmill controls blocked my view of THAT!
5. And to top it all off, my gym clothes kind of smelled. The mirror didn't tell me this, but I knew you would want to know because it really enhanced my run.
At one point, I could no longer stand the lank mass of hair on my neck and twisted it up into a knot. It stuck there with no outside assistance. Having my arms raised like that pointed out that maybe it was not just my clothing that were scented.
But, against all odds and to my complete and utter shock, I thoroughly enjoyed my 1.5 miles on the treadmill. This was not all spent running. Oh no, the running bursts were limited to two minutes with "stop the barfy feeling" walking breaks in between. But the fact that there was any running was simply awesome. When I was done, I'm pretty sure my endorphins were in high gear, having been in retirement for so long. I felt fabulous! I took my sweaty self over to the mat and even did my stretching (Coach Steve would be so proud). Then grabbed my stuff and strutted out to the car.
So there you have it. Gross but happy. Time to make dinner.
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