Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 1: Morning Person Plan

I am working on a new scheme. I need to become more of a morning person. See, there has been a change in my schedule. I am back to working full time at my fabulous job and next semester I will only be in class one evening a week. No more three day a week class until 10 and not being able to fall asleep until after midnight. Not when I need to be fresh and alert first thing.

Usually I sort of drag out of bed at maybe 7:15. Maybe. And I need to be at work by 8:30 - half an hour away. Just not the best plan. Also, there have been alleged rumors that I am not exactly the nicest person until maybe 10 am.

So, I will be forcing myself into the role of perky morning person. Starting today I will be waking up extra early so that I will get tired in the early evening and thus reset my internal clock. Here is how day 1 has gone.

4:30 am - MV's alarm goes off. He snoozes. Me too.
4:45 am - Ari sits on my hair. Just a few pieces. Have you ever had a cat sit on just a few pieces of your hair. Well, it hurts. Get the cat to move. He thinks this is some version of petting and purrs.
5 am - MV gets up. He is perky.
5:20 am - I get up. I am not perky. I give Tully a little pet. He doesn't want me to stop so he reaches out to catch my hand. With his claw. Now my hair and my finger hurt.
5:30 am - Not sure what people actually do at this time of the day. Maybe a bit of computer work.
5:35 am - Check Facebook. It is populated solely by teachers. Perky teachers.
6 am - Remember that my clothes are in the washer. Transfer to the dryer. Sit on the couch and stare into space, anticipating how lovely it will be to put on dryer-fresh warm clothes.
7 am - Get in shower.
7:45 am - Warm up car. Should be leaving for work due to nasty icy roads, but car looks sort of like a cupcake still and needs to thaw.
7:50 am - Cut apple wedges and piece of cheese for breakfast. Microwave Udi's GF Chocolate Muffin. Wrap in paper towel and put in coat pocket. This might sound like a bad idea, it even did to me at the time but I still did it. Actually, it was brilliant! So WARM AND TOASTY in my pocket and stayed warm until I wanted to eat it later in the car. Might not want to try with a crumbly muffin.
8 am - Leave for work. Poor car still is not warm. I am, due in part to muffin warmer.
8:20 am - Begin over 20 minute drive of the half mile long parking lot between Campbell Hilton exit and ramp to I-75.
8:25 am - Begin nodding off. Seriously overcome by tiredness. Prop open eyelids but wonder if I could possibly catch a little nap before the traffic moves.
8:45ish am - Yeah, totally late for work, but actually beat many people. Roads were crap.
9 am - I think I will go for the regular tea today...decaf seems like a bad idea.

Thus commences my second day as an Events and Promotions Coordinator and my first day as a Perky Morning Person. Actually, was so busy I forgot to be sleepy. Or maybe it was the tea.

10:30 pm - Gosh am I awake! I am so completely perky. It is like I have a second wind. Maybe I will do some dishes. Or the laundry. Or run a marathon.
11:15 pm - Or just go to bed. Good night all!

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