Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shout Out to the Tofurky Women in Trader Joe's

Awesomeness is sometimes quite obvious. There are people who do something and the world is changed for the better because of their actions. As a result, they may become famous, get on TV or receive a big award and everyone talks about it. Sometimes even after their passing, on into time for new generations to ponder and emulate. What we choose to honor as these acts of greatness defines us as a society.

Then there is a much smaller version of awesomeness. Everyday in nature and easy to overlook. No one is going to talk about these acts on into time or usually even at all. It is the greatness of the small acts we do with each and every choice we make. This is what defines us as a community and as individuals.

From time to time, I like to celebrate small acts of awesomeness that have stuck with me. Shall we share one together?

I overheard the following conversation in Trader Joe's this weekend as I was pondering the cheese selection. It was between two regular, average, nothing-jumping-out-at-me-to-remember middle aged women standing in front of the Tofurky display.

Woman 1: So that's it?
Woman 2: Yep, it is. It even comes with it's own gravy.
W 1: And that is what she eats?
W 2: That's what she said.
W 1: Well, that's what you need then.

And the box went into the cart.

When you are saying this conversation in your head, make sure to say it like I heard it. With a bit of doubt maybe, but pretty much just checking the situation out. I am pretty sure neither of them had ever heard of Tofurky before.

Ok, you are thinking, this little story is getting a bit boring. But that's kind of the point. Nothing big was happening, just two women shopping. But the simple action of buying something that they had never heard of, and probably found a bit weird, for one of them to prepare for someone she cared about struck me as being one of the most important things I might hear all day. I was hearing pure tolerance and love for someone who was different from them.

Go back to the conversation and say it in your head with a negative attitude in your voice. That is what she eats? like you think she is weird and bothersome and just trying to cause trouble. All too often, it goes like that.

So, big shout out to that Tofurky buying woman and her supportive friend. I think it is super awesome that you cared enough about this person coming to your Thanksgiving feast to take into consideration her preferences.

I totally wanted to tap you on the shoulder and tell you. But that might have been just a little bit too weird.

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