Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mood Meter - Only Slightly Improved

I am thinking that last post might have made me sound a bit scattered (to put it nicely.) That's kind of how I feel lately. On the inside - I sure hope not on the outside too.

I am just not having a good week. For no specific reason, more like a whole bunch of little ones. And my cheerfulness is squashed down by my worries. About stuff that I really can't control anyway.

So here is the plan. If there is anyone actually reading this - I know some of you said you were but I fear my lack of regular posting is killing my following - then post a comment. Doesn't have to be anything important, just say hi so I know you are there. Then I will feel obligated to write amusing stuff for you and, in the process, will probably cheer myself up a bit.

Or just do it anyway!


Anonymous said...

I'm here! Mostly b/c your FB post via email included a link to your blog. Perhaps you should post the link more places, to get more followers, to force you to write and be funny. =)

Jen T

JC said...

Jen - you rule!!!

Haven't yet decided if I really want more people to read this or now...

Unknown said...

KEEP WRITING!!! i love reading your posts.

JC said...

Sharon - you are awesome and I am pretty sure my most loyal supporter.