Friday, July 23, 2010

Seattle to Portland – Day 13: So close...

7 a.m.
We head into the truck. I eat a lovely breakfast of left over raw veggies dipped into a little cup of cream cheese from the otherwise gluten filled free breakfast. I kept them in the carry out box on the air conditioner all night. Turns out, this is fabulous breakfast.

8 a.m.
Corn, corn, corn. Maybe a nap.

9:58 a.m.
MV passes through a time zone and does the phone thing again. I do not – zzzz… So now we have lost another hour. Where do they go?

10:34 a.m.
Apparently I have slept all morning. Corn, corn, corn.

MV is saying he is going to drive all the way to MI this evening.

A bit later
I read to MV from Triathlete magazine. I am terribly disappointed by this magazine – while the info seems ok, a lot of the writing is on maybe a 4th grade level and it just sort of touches on a subject, never really getting to the meat of anything. Certainly don’t need to subscribe to that one!

Sometime that afternoon
We pass into Iowa. Corn, corn, corn. See, I have now made up lots of corn songs. They are to the tune of other familiar songs, but feature the word corn almost exclusively.

4:48 p.m.
We are stopping to see some friends of MV’s family from when they used to live in Iowa. So we drive through this town that MV hasn’t seen since he was 10. Strangely, he remembers all these details.

We stop by for an hour visit. They have plans that evening so cannot visit longer, but it is good because we need to get going again if we are going to make IL for the night. Luckily the drive all night and get to MI at like 7 a.m. plan has been dismissed. So glad truck is too uncomfortable for real sleep. If it were, MV would probably try to get me to sleep again so he could try it.

MV says remove the word probably from the above sentence.

8:11 p.m.
Wendy’s for dinner - again. But it’s just so easy to order a baked potato and not have to explain.

MV gets fries and says we will share. I realize that the blog has been a bit boring today and am sure that this will provide some good material - he will eat most of them but blame me for eating them all. I will say it is a subtle way of calling me piggy and pout. Instead, he eats some and gives me the box to finish. Seriously, boys are full of surprises.

10:59 p.m.
MV is treated to a medley of show tunes. Well, partial show tunes with some humming in the parts where I forgot the words. It is pretty amazing how much of Annie I recall.

MV suggests maybe I want to sing some Matchbox 20 or Third Eye Blind instead. Hmmm…nope.

12:04 a.m.
We have crossed into Illinois.
Me: We must find a hotel. If I have to stay in this truck 30 minutes more, I will go crazy.
MV: Um, you already are.

(Evidence presented: I was singing along to this country song I found messing with the scan button on the radio - and I magically knew the words. You be the judge.)

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