It's that time again. The time when I swear at the various trees while I choke them out with strands of lights. The time when the electrician of the house chooses to ignore what is happening with extension cords and multi-way connectors. The time when those "I'm gonna say 'Merry Christmas' so screw you," sentiments start to pop up all over the social world.
This year in the form of stock photos with bad typesetting plopped on top. Sometimes with a starburst.
I don't know about you, but they make me wonder. Is anyone preventing these folks from saying anything? Can't they just go scream Merry Christmas or Merry CHRISTmas or Happy Birthday Baby Jesus as loud as they like, wherever they like? I doubt anyone will stop them. At least not in most of America - unclear on other places.
I remember a few years ago (probably more than that) when there was a big hullabaloo that the circulars for the chain stores all said "Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Sale." People got all upset because this generic greeting did not reference their specific holiday. Really? So you actually want retail outlets to exploit your holiday instead of saying, "Hey, we'll sell you our crap for whatever holiday you choose." Because trust me, no matter which greeting they choose, they are not really concerned whether your Dec. 25 or otherwise is any happier than the day before or after. They just want your money.
So the latest one I saw said something about "I don't say happy holidays, I say Merry Christmas." Really? To your non-Christian friends? You can't spare a few minutes to get to know what they celebrate and wish that to them? Or if you are unsure, just wish them a general happy season until you get to know each other better and respect and cherish the ways you are different yet still like each other?
Guess what, they probably already know you are self-centered and don't care anyway.