Today after work, I go to the garden section of Home Depot. I go to the wood chip section. A guy asks if he can help me find something.
Me: I need some wood chips to go on a path.
Guy: What kind of chips? Like rock chips?
Me: No, wood chips.
Guy: What kind of wood chips?
Me: To go on a path.
Guy: A path?
Me: The big chips that go on a path, not the broken down kind that go around flowers.
Guy: A path?
Me: Oh, these ones are called "Path & Play." I think they can go on a path.
Guy: So you want the natural look?
Me: I want these chips that say "Path" on them.
Guy: How many?
Me: One. (pick up chip bag)
Guy: Do you have a buggy?
Me: No, I'll just carry them. (Scurry away with bag of chips in kind of a hug like you carry a pillow when you get woken too early and can't yet give it up)
See, this is why I have to shop in the same stores over and over. They get used to me. I get used to them. They don't seem to mind if I ask them things, even weird things, and they know the answers. I highly recommend Whole Foods for this. I am pretty much willing to pay whatever they charge at Whole Foods* just to be able to ask them weird questions and not get weird looks. Try it. Seafood is especially fun.
*Well, I try to stick to the sale stuff